EXPOAID2023 Best Inclusive Congress

26 Nov 2024

EXPOAID2023 Best Inclusive Congress

EXPOAID2023 won the Best Inclusive Congress award at the Italian Knowledge Leaders 2024, the project of Convention Bureau Italia and ENIT that promotes Italy as a knowledge destination and operates with the goal of attracting more and more medical-scientific congresses to the country.

The award ceremony was greeted with great applause and these wonderful words.
“Thanks to the support of the Ministry for Disabilities and Minister Alessandra Locatelli, EXPOAID has created a unique space to enhance talents, skills and inclusion through sports, training and recreational activities. These congresses are not just events, but real platforms for change.”

Another important recognition for the event dedicated to the Third Sector and the World of Disabilities-already the winner of four golds at the past BEA 2023s-which confirms itself as a turning point in the field of accessible events.

EGA Worldwide
EGA Worldwide